WinBatch® Functions

A list of frequently used and extremely handy functions.

Notice: this is by no means a complete list of functions. There are many other WIL functions and also over 25 WIL Extenders available that contain lots of additional functions. For a complete list of functions. Download your evaluation copy of WinBatch today and see the Consolidated WIL Help file.

The evaluation copy of WinBatch allows non-licensed users a limited license to use our software on a 21-day trial basis.

Arithmetic Functions

Abs( integer )
Returns the absolute value of a number.

Char2Num( string )
Returns the ANSI code of a strings first character.

Decimals( #digits )
Sets the number of decimal points used with floating point numbers.

Int( string/fp_num )
Converts a floating point number or a string to an integer.

IsNumber( value )
Determines if a string represents a valid number.

Max( number [ ,number... ] )
Determines the highest number in a list.

Min( number [ ,number... ] )
Determines the lowest number in a list.

Num2Char( integer )
Converts a number to its ASCII character equivalent.

Random( integer )
Generates a positive random number.

TimeAdd( datetime, datetime difference )
Adds two YmdHms variables.

TimeDiff( datetime1, datetime2)
Returns the difference between two points in time.

TimeJulianDay( datetime )
Returns the Julian day given a datetime.

TimeSubtract( datetime, datetime difference )
Subtracts one YmdHms variable from another.

Array Functions

ArrayFileGet( filename [, null-char [, extra-alloc]] )
Converts a file to a one-dimension array.

ArrayFileGetCsv( filename, flags [, delimiter [, extra-rows [, extra-cols]]] )
Converts a CSV file to a two-dimension array.

ArrayFilePut( filename, array [, write-undef] )
Writes a one-dimension array to a file.

ArrayFilePutCsv( filename, array [, delimiter [, write-undef [, flags]] )
Writes a two-dimension array to a file.

ArrayFromStr( string )
Accepts a text string and returns a one dimension array with one character per array element.

ArrayInsert( array, sub [, dim [, value]] )
Performs in-place insertion of an element into a single dimension array, or the in-place.

Arrayize( list, delimiter )
Converts a delimited list to an array.

ArrayLocate( array, value, [sub1, [sub2, [sub3, [sub4, [sub5]]]]] )
Searches an array for an element that matches a value.

ArrayRedim( array, dim1 [, dim2 [, dim3 [, dim4 [, dim5 ] ] ] ] )
Changes array dimensions in-place.

ArrayRemove( array, sub, [ dim ] )
Performs in-place removal of an element from a single dimension array, or the in-place removal of a row or column from a two dimension array.

ArraySearch( array, value [, options [, search-column[, start-sub[, end-sub]]]] )
Searches a one or two dimension array for an element that matches a value.

ArraySort( array, [options, [sort-column, [start-sub, [end-sub]]]] )
Performs an in-place sort of arrays with one or two dimensions.

ArraySwapElements( array, subA1, subA2, subA3, subA4, subA5, subB1, subB2, subB3, subB4, subB5 )
Swaps elements in an array.

ArrDimension( dim1 [, dim2 [, dim3 [, dim4 [, dim5 ] ] ] ] )
Creates an array.

ArrayToStr( array )
Accepts a single dimension array and returns a text string constructed from the concatenation of each array element.

ArrInfo( array, request )
Gets information about an array.

ArrInitialize( array, value )
Initializes an array.

Binary Functions

BinaryAlloc( buffsize )
Allocates a memory buffer of the desired size.

BinaryCopy(handle targ, offset targ, handle src, offset src, bytecount )
Copies bytes of data from one binary buffer to another.

BinaryEodGet( handle )
Returns the offset of the free byte just after the last byte of stored data.

BinaryEodSet( handle, offset )
Sets the EOD value of a buffer.

BinaryFree( handle )
Frees a buffer previously allocated with BinaryAlloc.

BinaryIndexEx( handle, offset, string, direction, match-case )
Searches a buffer for a string. Returns a -1 if the specified string was not found.

BinaryPeek( handle, offset )
Returns the 8 bit value of a byte from a binary buffer. See BinaryPeek2, BinaryPeek4, and BinaryPeekFlt for 16 bit, 32 bit and 64 bit values.

BinaryPeekStr( handle, offset, maxsize )
Extracts a string from a binary buffer.

BinaryPoke( handle, offset, value )
Pokes a new 8 bit value into a binary buffer at offset. See BinaryPoke2, BinaryPoke4, and BinaryPokeFlt for 16 bit, 32 bit and 64 bit values.

BinaryPokeStr( handle, offset, string )
Writes a string into a binary buffer.

BinaryRead( handle, filename )
Reads a file into a binary buffer.

BinaryReplace(bin-handle, search-string, replacement-string, match-case)
Replaces strings in a binary buffer.

BinarySort( handle, recsize, key offset, key size, flags )
Sorts records in a binary buffer.

BinaryStrCnt( handle, start-offset, end-offset, string )
Counts the occurrences of a string in some or all of a binary buffer.

BinaryWrite( handle, filename )
Writes a binary buffer to a file.

Clipboard Handling

ClipGet( )
Returns the Clipboard contents into a string.

ClipPut( string )
Replaces the Clipboard contents with a string.

Snapshot( request# )
Takes a snapshot of the screen and pastes it to the clipboard.

COM / OLE Functions

ObjectConstantsGet( object )
Creates a Constants object.

ObjectConstToArray( constants )
Creates an array of Constants object names and values.

ObjectCreate( progId, location )
Creates and returns a reference to a COM/OLE object.

ObjectEventAdd( object-reference, event-name, udf-name )
Associates a user-defined function or subroutine with a COM object event.

ObjectEventRemove( object-reference, event-name )
Cancels the association between a user-defined function or subroutine and a COM object event.

ObjectGet( moniker, progId )
Returns a reference to an object provided by a COM/OLE component.

ObjectType( variant-type, value )
Creates a WIL variable with a specific COM/OLE variant type.

ObjectTypeGet( variable-name )
Gets the COM/OLE variant type of a WIL variable.


ObjectClrNew ( typename [, ctorparm,...] )
Creates a class, structure or enumeration implemented by a managed assembly. The function returns a Framework based type as a COM Automation reference that can be used to access the members of the underlying Framework based type.

ObjectClrOption ( option-name, option-value )
Sets CLR configuration options before the CLR is loaded and loads an assembly into the current WinBatch process.

ObjectClrType ( typename, value-reference )
Associate a Framework based type name with a value, or to up-cast or down-cast Framework based object references.

Disk Drive Management

DiskExist( drive letter )
Tests for the existence of a drive.

DiskFree( drive-list [, format] )
Finds the total available (unused) disk space on a group of drives.

DiskInfo ( request# )
Returns information on the specified disk drive.

DiskScan( request# )
Returns a list of drives.

DiskSize ( request# [, format] )
Finds the total size of the specified drive(s).

DiskVolInfo( root-path, request# )
Returns information on a file system volume.

Directory Management

AskDirectory( prompt, browse-root, start-dir, confirm-prompt, flags )
Displays a directory browse dialog box, and returns the selected directory name.

DirChange( [d:]path )
Changes the current directory.

DirExist( pathname )
Determines if a directory exists.

DirGet( )
Returns the current directory path.

DirHome( )
Returns the initial directory path.

DirMake( [d:]path )
Creates a new directory.

DirRemove( dir-list )
Removes an existing empty directory.

DirSize( dir-name, flags [, format] )
This function returns the total size of a directory, including all files in the directory, and all files in all subdirectories under the directory.

DirWindows( request# )
Returns the name of the Windows or Windows System directory.

ShortCutDir( name/CSIDL [, source [, add-slash]] )
Gets the path of the folder identifed by the name or CSIDL value.

Display and Input

AskDirectory( prompt, browse-root, start-dir, confirm-prompt, flags )
Displays a directory browse dialog box, and returns the selected directory name.

AskFileName( title, directory, filetypes, default filename, flag )
Returns the filename as selected by a FileOpen dialog box.

AskFileText( title, filename, sort mode, selectmode [, selection-required])
Allows the user to choose an item from a list box initialized with data from a file.

AskItemlist( title, list, delimiter, sort mode, select mode )
Allows the user to choose an item from a list box initialized with a list variable.

AskLine( title, prompt, default answer [, format] )
Lets the user enter a line of information.

AskPassword( title, prompt )
Prompts the user for a password.

AskYesNo( title, question )
Lets the user choose from Yes, No, or Cancel.

Dialog( dialog-name [, ignore-flag] )
Displays a user-defined dialog box.

Display( seconds, title, text )
Momentarily displays a string.

Message( title, text )
Displays text in a message box.

Pause( title, prompt )
Displays text in a message box.

File Management

ExeTypeInfo( exename )
Returns an integer describing the type of EXE file specified.

FileAppend( source-list, destination )
Appends one or more files to another file.

FileAttrGet( filename )
Returns file attributes.

FileAttrGetEx( filename )
Returns file attributes (extended).

FileAttrSet( file-list, settings )
Sets file attributes.

FileAttrSetEx( file-list, attributes, mode)
Sets file attributes (extended).

FileBaseName( filename [, flag])
Extracts the base filename from a full file path.

FileClose( filehandle )
Closes a file.

FileCompare( filename1, filename2 )
Compares two files.

FileCopy( source-list, destination, warning )
Copies files.

FileCopyAttr( source-list, destination, warning , attributes)
Copies files, and sets file attributes.

FileCreateTemp( prefix )
Creates a temporary file.

FileDelete( file-list )
Deletes files.

FileDigest( filename, algorithm, format )
Computes a message digest (hash) for a file.

FileExist( filename )
Test for the existence of files.

FileExtension( filename )
Returns the extension of a file.

FileFullName( partial filename )
Returns a file name with drive and path information.

FileGet( filename [, null-char])
Converts a file to a string variable.

FileGetW( filename [, null-char])
Converts a file to a Unicode string variable.

FileInfoToArray( file-list [, flags])
Returns information on a set of files, as an array.

FileItemize( file-list )
Builds a list of files.

FileItemPath( file-list )
Returns a delimited list of file paths.

FileLocate( filename )
Finds a file within the current DOS path.

FileMapName( filename, mapping-data )
Transforms a filename with a file wild-card mask and returns a new filename.

FileMove( source-list, destination, warning )
Moves files to another set of path names.

FileMoveAttr( source-list, destination, warning )
Moves files, and sets file attributes.

FileNameLong( filename )
Returns the long version of a filename.

FileNameShort( filename )
Returns the short (i.e., 8.3) version of a filename.

FileOpen( filename, mode [, Unicode [, timeout ]])
Opens a file for reading or writing.

FilePath( filename )
Returns path of a file.

FilePut( filename, string )
Writes a string to a file.

FilePutW( filename, Unicode string )
Writes a Unicode string to a file.

FileRead( filehandle )
Reads data from a file.

FileRename( source-list, destination )
Renames files to another set of names.

FileRoot( filename )
Returns root of a file.

FileSize( file-list [ ,format] )
Adds up the total size of a set of files.

FileSizeEx( file-list [ ,format] )
Finds the total size of a group of files (including open files).

FileTimeCode( filename )
Returns a machine readable/computable code for a file time.

FileTimeGet( filename )
Returns file date and time.

FileTimeGetEx( filename, time-field )
Gets extended time information for a file or directory.

FileTimeSet( list, datetime )
Sets the date and time of one or more files.

FileTimeSetEx( file-list, datetime, time-field )
Sets extended time information for one or more files.

FileTimeTouch( file-list )
Sets file(s) to current time.

FileVerInfo(filename, language-key, resource-string)
Returns a version resource string from a binary file.

FileWrite( filehandle, output-data )
Writes data to a file.

FileYmdHms( filename )
Returns a file time in the YmdHms datetime format.

InstallFile( filename, targname, default-targdir, delete-old, flags )
Installs a file.

ShortCutDir( name/csidl [, source [, add-slash]] )
Gets the path of a folder identified by a name or CSIDL value.

ShortcutEdit ( link-name, target, params, start-dir, show-mode [, shortcut-type] )
Modifies the specified shortcut file.

ShortcutExtra( link-name, description, hotkey, icon-file, icon-index [, shortcut-type] )
Sets additional information for the specified shortcut file.

ShortcutInfo( link-name [, shortcut-type] )
Returns information on the specified shortcut file.

ShortcutMake( link-name, target, params, start-dir, show-mode [, shortcut-type] )
Creates a shortcut for the specified filename or directory.

Pipe Functions

PipeClientClose( pipe-handle )
Closes a named pipe connection.

PipeClientOpen( pipe-name, timeout )
Connects to a named pipe.

PipeClientSendRecvData( pipe-handle, data, read-timeout )
Writes a message to a named pipe and then reads a message back.

PipeInfo( request, pipe-handle )
Returns information about a pipe or pipe operation.

PipeServerClose( pipe-handle, timeout )
Closes a named pipe instance.

PipeServerCreate( pipe-name, timeout )
Creates an instance of a named pipe and waits for a client to connect.

PipeServerRead( pipe-handle, timeout )
Reads a message from a named pipe.

PipeServerWrite( pipe-handle, data )
Writes a message to a named pipe.

Pointer Functions

PtrGlobalDefine( var )
Creates a "pointer" to a global variable.

PtrGlobal( var )
Retrieves a "pointer" to a global variable.

PtrPersistent( var, value )
Creates a "pointer" to a persistent variable.

Registry Functions

RegApp( program-name, path )
Creates registry entries for a program under "App Paths".

RegCloseKey( keyhandle )
Closes a key to the registration database.

RegConnect( computer-name, handle [,remoteOSflag] )
Connects to a predefined registry handle on another computer.

RegCreateKey( keyhandle, sub-key string [,view-flag] )
Returns a handle to a new registration database key.

RegDeleteKey( keyhandle, sub-key string [,view-flag] )
Deletes a key and data items associated with the key.

RegDelValue ( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Deletes a named value data item for the specified subkey from the registry.

RegEntryType( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Returns the type of data for the specified subkey.

RegExistKey( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Checks whether a registry key exists.

RegExistValue( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Checks whether a value for a registry key exists.

RegLoadHive( handle, subkey, filename )
Loads a hive into a registry subkey.

RegOpenFlags( flag )
Specifies the registry view the various Reg[..] functions.

RegOpenKey( keyhandle, sub-key string [,view-flag] )
Returns a handle to an existing registration database key.

RegOpenKeyEx( handle, subkey-string, mode, view-flag, reserved )
Opens a registry key with specified access rights.

RegQueryBin( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Returns binary value at subkey position.

RegQueryDword( handle, subkey-string [, flags] )
Returns DWORD value at subkey position.

RegQueryEx( handle, subkey-string, delimiter, type [,view-flag] )
Retrieves a value from the registry.

RegQueryExpSz( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Retrieves a REG_EXPAND_SZ value from the registry.

RegQueryItem( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Returns a list of named data items for a subkey.

RegQueryKey( handle, index )
Returns sub keys of the specified key.

RegQueryKeyLastWriteTime( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Returns the last write time for a registry key.

RegQueryKeys( handle )
Returns a tab-delimited list of subkey names under a specified key.

RegQueryMulSz( handle, subkey-string, delimiter [,view-flag] )
Retrieves a REG_MULTI_SZ value from the registry.

RegQueryQword( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Retrieves a REG_QWORD value from the registry.

RegQueryStr( handle, subkey-string [,view-flag] )
Retrieves and expands a string value from the registry.

RegQueryValue( keyhandle, sub-key string [,view-flag] )
Returns data item string at sub-key position.

RegSetBin ( handle, subkey-string, value [,view-flag] )
Sets a binary value in the Registration Database.

RegSetDword( handle, subkey-string, value [, flags] )
Sets a DWORD value in the Registration Database.

RegSetEx( handle, subkey-string, value, delimiter, type [,view-flag] )
Sets a value in the registry.

RegSetExpSz ( handle, subkey-string, value [,view-flag] )
Sets a REG_EXPAND_SZ value in the registry.

RegSetMulSz( handle, subkey-string, value, delimiter [,view-flag] )
Sets a REG_MULTI_SZ value in the registry.

RegSetQword( handle, subkey-string, value [,view-flag] )
Sets a REG_QWORD value in the registry.

RegSetValue( keyhandle, sub-key string, value [,view-flag] )
Sets the value of a data item in the registration database.

RegUnloadHive( handle, subkey )
Unloads a hive from the registry.

String Handling

Char2Num( string )
Returns the ANSI code of a strings first character.

ChrGetCodePage( request )
Gets the current code page.

ChrHexToString( hex-string )
Converts a hex string to a string.

ChrHexToUnicode( hex-string [,flag] )
Converts a hex string to a Unicode string.

ChrSetCodePage( code-page )
Sets the current WIL code page.

ChrStringToHex( string )
Converts a string to a Hex string.

ChrStringToUnicode( string )
Converts an ANSI string to a Unicode string.

ChrUnicodeToHex( Unicode-string [,flag] )
Converts a Unicode string to a Hex string.

ChrUnicodeToString( Unicode-string )
Converts a Unicode string to an ANSI string.

IsFloat( string )
Tests whether a number can be converted to a floating point number.

IsInt( string )
Tests whether a number can be converted into a valid integer.

IsNumber( value )
Determines if a string represents a valid number.

ItemCount( list, delimiter )
Returns the number of items in a list.

ItemCountCsv( line, flags [, delimiter] )
Returns the number of items in a CSV line.

ItemExtract( index, list, delimiter )
Returns the selected item from a list.

ItemExtractCsv( index, line, flags [, delimiter] )
Returns the selected item from a CSV line.

ItemInsert( item, index, list, delimiter )
Adds an item to a list.

ItemLocate( item, list, delimiter )
Returns the position of an item in a list.

ItemRemove( index, list, delimiter )
Removes an item from a list.

ItemReplace( item, index, list, delimiter )
Replaces an item in a list.

ItemSort( list, delimiter )
Sorts a list.

Num2Char( integer )
Converts a number to its character equivalent.

ParseData( string )
Parses a passed string.

StrByteCount( string, request )
Returns the length of a string, in bytes.

StrCat( string [ ,string ] )
Concatenates strings together.

StrCharCount( string )
Counts the number of characters in a string.

StrClean( source-string, characters, replacement, match-case, mode )
Removes or replaces characters in a string.

StrCmp( string1, string2 )
Compares two strings.

StrCnt( string, sub-string, start-pos, end-pos, flags )
Counts the occurrences of a substring within a string.

StrFill( filler, length )
Builds a string from a repeated smaller string.

StrFix( base-string, pad-string, length )
Pads or truncates a string to a fixed length using characters.

StrFixBytes( base-string, pad-string, length )
Pads or truncates a string to a fixed length using bytes.

StrFixBytesL( base-string, pad-string, length )
Pads or truncates the left side of a string to a fixed length using bytes.

StrFixChars( base-string, pad-string, length )
Pads or truncates a string To a fixed length using characters.

StrFixCharsL( base-string, pad-string, length )
Pads or truncates the left side of a string to a fixed length using characters.

StrFixLeft( base-string, pad-string, length )
Pads or truncates the left side of a string to a fixed length using characters.

StriCmp( string1, string2 )
Compares two strings without regard to case.

StrIndex( base-string, sub-string, start, direction )
Locates a string within a larger string.

StrIndexNc( base-string, sub-string, start, direction )
Locates a string within a larger string, ignoring case.

StrIndexWild( string, pattern, start )
Finds wildcarded text within a larger string.

StrInsert (base-string, new-string, [pad-string [, start [, length]]])
Inserts a new string into an existing string.

StrLen( string )
Returns the length of a string.

StrLenWild( string, pattern, start )
Returns the length of wildcarded text within a larger string.

StrLower( string )
Converts a string to all lower-case characters.

StrOverlay( base-string, new-string, [pad-string [, start [, length]]] )
Overlays a new string onto an existing string.

StrReplace( string, old, new )
Replaces all occurrences of a sub-string with another.

StrScan( string, delimiters, startpos, direction )
Finds an occurrence of one or more delimiter characters in a string.

StrSub( string, startpos, length )
Returns a sub-string from within a string.

StrSubWild( string, pattern, start )
Extracts a substring matching wildcarded text from within a larger string.

StrTrim( string )
Trims leading and trailing blanks from a string.

StrTypeInfo( string, flag)
Gets character-type information for a string, or information for a character-type.

StrUpper( string )
Converts a string to all upper-case characters.

System Functions

About( )
Displays the About message box.

AppExist( program-name [, flags [, retries]])
Tells if an application is running.

AppWaitClose( program-name [, flags [, retries]])
Suspends WIL program execution until a specified application has been closed.

ComputerNameGet( format )
Gets the name associated with the local computer.

ComputerNameSet( new-computername, format )
Sets the name associated with the local computer.

Debug( mode [, init-string] )
Turns the Debug mode on or off.

DebugData( string, string )
Writes data via the Windows OutputDebugString function to the default destination.

DebugTrace ( requestcode [ ,parm1 [, parm2 ]] )
Controls and customizes the WIL debugging trace logs.

DirHome( )
Returns the initial directory path.

DirWindows( request# )
Returns the name of the Windows or Windows System directory.

DiskExist( drive letter )
Tests for the existence of a drive.

DiskFree( drive-list [, format] )
Finds the total available (unused) disk space on a group of drives.

DiskInfo( request# )
Returns information on the specified disk drive.

DiskScan( request# )
Returns a list of drives.

DiskSize ( request# [, format] )
Finds the total size of the specified drive(s).

DiskVolInfo( root-path, request# )
Returns information on a file system volume.

DllCall( dllfilename/dllhandle, returntype:entrypoint [ paramtype:param... ] )
Calls an external Dll.

DllCallCdecl( dllfilename/dllhandle, returntype:entrypoint [ ,paramtype:param... ] )
Calls an external DLL using the Cdecl calling convention.

DllFree( dllhandle )
Frees a Dll that was loaded via the DllLoad function.

DllHinst( partial-winname )
Obtains an application instance handle for use in DllCalls when required.

DllHwnd( partial-winname )
Obtains a window handle for use in DllCalls when required.

Returns the most recent error returned by a DllCall to a Win32 API.

DllLoad( dllname )
Loads a Dll for later use via the DllCall function.

DOSVersion( level )
Returns the version numbers of the current version of DOS.

Drop( varname [,varname...] )
Deletes variables to recover their memory.

DropWild( variable/wildcard )
Removes variables from memory.

EndSession( )
Ends the current Windows session.

Environment( env-variable )
Gets a DOS environment variable.

EnvironSet( env-varname, newvalue )
Changes LOCAL Environment variables.

EnvItemize( )
Returns a delimited list of the current environment.

ErrorMode( mode )
Sets what happens in the event of an error.

Exclusive( mode )
Controls whether or not other Windows programs will get any time to execute.

Execute statement
Directly executes a WIL statement.

ExeTypeInfo( exefilename )
Returns an integer describing the type of EXE file specified.

GetExactTime( )
Returns the current time in hundredths of a second.

GetTickCount( )
Returns the number of clock ticks used by Windows since Windows started.

IntControl( request#, p1, p2, p3, p4 )
Special function which permits an internal operation.

KeyToggleGet( @key )
Returns the status of a toggle key.

KeyToggleSet( @key, value )
Sets the state of a toggle key and returns the previous value.

LastError ( )
Returns the last error encountered.

MouseInfo( request# )
Returns assorted mouse information.

MsgTextGet( window-name )
Returns the contents of a Windows message box.

NetInfo( request code )
Determines network(s) installed.

Returns a number indicating the current execution mode of WinBatch.

SysParamInfo( request, value, ini-update )
Retrieves or sets the value of one of the system-wide parameters.

Terminate( expression, title, message )
Conditionally ends a WIL program.

Version( )
Returns the version of the parent program currently running.

VersionDLL( )
Returns the version of the WIL interpreter currently running.

WinExeName( partial-winname )
Returns the name of the executable file which created a specified window.

WinIsDOS( partial-winname )
Tells whether or not a particular window is a DOS or console-type window.

WinMetrics( request# )
Returns Windows system information.

WinResources( request# [, format] )
Returns information on available memory and resources.

WinSysInfo( )
Returns system configuration information.

WinVersion( level )
Returns the version of Windows that is currently running.

Time Functions

FileTimeCode( filename )
Returns a machine readable/computable code for a file time.

FileTimeGet( filename )
Returns file date and time.

FileTimeGetEx( filename, time-field )
Gets extended time information for a file or directory.

FileTimeSet( list, datetime )
Sets the date and time of one or more files.

FileTimeSetEx( file-list, datetime, time-field )
Sets extended time information for one or more files.

FileTimeTouch( file-list )
Sets file(s) to current time.

FileYmdHms( filename )
Returns a file time in the YmdHms datetime format.

GetExactTime( )
Returns the current time in hundredths of a second.

GetTickCount( )
Returns the number of clock ticks used by Windows since Windows started.

TimeAdd( datetime1, datetime2 )
Adds two YmdHms variables.

TimeDate( )
Provides the current date and time in a readable format.

Example: Using the WIL language it is possible to grab the day of the week. The following example from TimeJulianDay grabs the current time and day of the week.

Example: Using the WIL language it is possible to grab the day of the year. The following example from TimeJulianDay grabs the current time and day of the year.

TimeDelay( seconds )
Pauses execution for a specified amount of time.

TimeDiff( datetime1, datetime2 )
Returns the difference between two points in time.

TimeDiffDays( datetime1, datetime2 )
Returns the difference in days between the two dates.

TimeDiffSecs( datetime1, datetime2 )
Returns the time difference in seconds between the two date times.

TimeJulianDay( datetime )
Returns the Julian day given a datetime.

TimeJulToYmd( julian-date )
Returns a datetime given a Julian day.

TimeSubtract( datetime, datetime difference )
Subtracts one YmdHms variable from another.

TimeWait( datetime )
Pauses execution and waits for the datetime to pass.

TimeYmdHms( )
Returns current date and time in the YMDHMS datetime format.

Window Functions

DllHwnd( partial-winname )
Obtains a window handle for use in DllCalls when required.

FindWindow( window class name )
Returns a window title matching a specified class name.

WallPaper( bmp-filename, tilemode )
Changes the Windows wallpaper.

WinActivate( partial-winname )
Makes an application window the active window.

WinActiveChild( partial-parent-windowname, partial-child-windowname )
Activates a previously running child window.

WinArrange( style )
Arranges all running application windows on the screen.

WinClose( partial-winname )
Closes an application window.

WindowOnTop( partial-winname, mode )
Keep window on top.

WinExeName( partial-winname )
Returns the name of the executable file which created a specified window.

WinExist( partial-winname )
Tells if a window exists.

WinExistChild( partial-parent-windowname, partial-child-windowname )
Tells if a specified child window exists.

WinGetActive( )
Gets the title of the active window.

WinHide( partial-winname )
Hides an application window.

WinIconize( partial-winname )
Turns an application window into an icon.

WinIdGet( partial-winname )
Returns a unique "Window ID" (pseudo-handle) for the specified window name.

WinIsDOS( partial-winname )
Tells whether or not a particular window is a DOS or console-type window.

WinItemChild( partial-parent-windowname )
Returns a list of all the child windows under this parent.

WinItemize( )
Returns a tab-delimited list of all open windows.

WinItemizeEx( partial-winname, multiple, hidden [, return-type] )
Returns the full name of window(s) matching a partial window name.

WinItemNameId( )
Returns a list of all open windows and their Window IDs.

WinItemProcID( process-id, flags, return-type )
Returns a list of window IDs for the specified process.

WinName( )
Returns the name of the window calling the WIL Interpreter.

WinPlace( x-ulc, y-ulc, x-brc, y-brc, partial-winname )
Changes the size and position of an application window on the screen.

WinPlaceChild( x-ulc, y-ulc, x-brc, y-brc, partial-parent-winname, partial-child-winname )
Places a child window.

WinPlaceGet( win-type partial-winname )
Returns window coordinates.

WinPlaceSet( win-type, partial-winname, position -string )
Sets window coordinates.

WinPosition( partial-winname )
Returns window position.

WinPositionChild( partial-parent-winname, partial-child-winname )
Returns child window position.

WinShow( partial-winname )
Shows a window in its "normal" state.

WinState( partial-winname )
Returns the current state of a window.

WinTitle( old-partial-winname, new-winname )
Changes the title of an application window.

WinWaitChild( partial parent winname, partial child winname, timeout )
Waits for a child window to exist.

WinWaitClose( partial-winname [, timeout] )
Waits until an application window is closed.

WinWaitExist( partial-winname, timeout )
Waits for a window to exist.

WinWaitReady( partial-winname, timeout )
Waits until an application is waiting for user input.

WinZoom( partial-winname )
Maximizes an application window to full-screen.

UAC Functions

UacElevationLevel ( )
Gets the current UAC elevation level.

UacExePromptTest ( programname )
Determines whether a program would require a UAC elevation prompt.

UacManifestSettings ( request )
Gets information on manifest and signature.